Sarah Lymer The Legacy Learning Trust

Sarah Lymer

The Legacy Learning Trust (TLLT) is a multi-academy trust (MAT) currently with six schools in its trust and based in the North East in Middlesbrough.  TLLT is founded on firmly held beliefs that inclusive education and learning are about high expectation, high aspirations and opportunity regardless of background, where learners should be supported to achieve their very best in the classroom and are encouraged to develop as well rounded individuals who are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

The Legacy Learning Trust family is the proud home to six Middlesbrough schools and is a growing MAT for primary and secondary schools. The TLLT culture empowers its schools to thrive and respond to the individual needs of each school community. Working together as a family of schools has enabled improved outcomes for children, financial efficiencies and exceptional development of staff. TLLT schools have the freedom to maintain their unique characteristics whilst working collaboratively to ensure shared success.