The Legacy Learning Trust is committed to building an open culture that is inclusive, diverse and disability confident. The Who We Are Campaign encourages colleagues to tell their personal stories to shed light on any challenges they may have faced and how we can all work together to break down barriers in the workplace. It builds on sharing authentic stories that capture the whole person, and details how TLLT can provide the support and resources to assist in raising awareness and creating an inclusive culture.

Share… don’t compare!

The workplace can look different for everybody. In sharing our stories, we together can break down stigma, barriers and create a community that embraces and celebrates our differences. Whilst on paper we can share the same challenge, as individuals the experience can be worlds apart. It’s all about sharing experiences and better understanding the often-silent struggles, our colleagues may face. 

Gemma Laycock

HR Lead at TLLT

“People are always surprised when I tell them I’ve got a disability and I feel this is due to the fact that I have never let it hold me back.”

Talking about joining The Legacy Learning Trust and her ADHD diagnosis, she said: “I joined the TLLT family in 2022 and the support from not only my team, but management, in their openness to listen to and support me has played a huge part in my success to date.

“I was diagnosed as neurodivergent in 2020 as an adult after struggling with misdiagnosis in my younger years.

“The impact on my ability to concentrate on a project and not start another 10 alongside it can be challenging, especially in my role.”

“However, through external support and a better understanding of ADHD I can prevent this, but I have to work harder and longer in order to achieve this.”

Gemma has found support within her colleagues which she has described as being invaluable: “TLLT has provided a space for me to be myself, my difference is embraced and the understanding of management in breaking down takas has been invaluable to me.

“My differences are also my strengths and the company has allowed me to grow and recognised this, as opposed to seeing it as a barrier.”

If you want to join the initiative, please contact Gemma Laycock